Webex Meetings web app
There is a web app called Meetings for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari which allows users to join from any of these browsers. We provide you with a fast and easy way to connect to the internet without having to download or install anything onto your computer.
Join or start a meeting
Join–– Under the Join Meeting section, make sure that the Use web app option is selected.
Start–– Under Start a Meeting, you will find the option to use the web app.
Select the Webex Meetings tab in Classic View and then click the Start by browser button to launch the Webex Meetings web app while in Classic View.
You can learn more about how to join a Webex meeting from a web browser by reading Join a Webex Meeting from a Web Browser.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Webex have a web app?
Using only a web browser, the Meetings web app allows you to participate in meetings, webinars, events, and training sessions, with only a few clicks of the mouse. Downloading or installing anything is not required. As a result of the web app, basic functions are available at the tip of your fingers, making it easy for you to view and interact with other users.
Can you access Webex without the app?
You can still join the meeting even if you cannot download the installer because you can also use a browser to join the meeting. Using the browser-based version of the software, there is no need to download or install anything.
How do I open Webex in app instead of browser?
You can conduct a meeting by selecting the Start Meeting or Join Meeting button on the right side of the Start Meeting or Join Meeting button located in the Personal Room section of the dashboard, Personal Room page, or Meeting Information page on the right side of the dashboard. From the drop-down menu, select one of the following options: Use desktop app – Join your meetings directly from the Meetings desktop application.
Do I need a plugin for Webex?
In order to use WebEx, you don’t need to install any software on your computer, but you do need to install a plug-in. The easiest way to ensure that you have the correct plug-in is to test WebEx before starting your first session to ensure you have the correct plug-in installed.
How do I install Webex app?
Cisco WebEx Meetings Phone App
On your smart phone, you will need to access the App Store by navigating to it. 3. If you are interested in downloading and installing this app, select the “Get” or “Install” option. Once the application has been successfully installed on your smart phone, you will be able to see it on your home screen.
All images and contents credit goes to help.webex.com