Webinar templates in zoom App
When you schedule a webinar you have the option of saving the settings for that webinar as a template for the next time you schedule a webinar. The template includes basic settings, such as whether or not to disable the Q&A section, as well as more advanced settings, such as the option to add more questions and answers to a poll. It is possible to save the schedule for recurring webinars as part of the template if it is a recurring webinar.
Once you have saved a webinar as a template, you can select that template when you want to create a new webinar with similar settings in the future. There is a limit of 20 webinar templates you can save.
This article covers:
- Creating a webinar template
- Scheduling a webinar from a template
- Managing templates
- The Zoom Webinar Add-on (500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, or 50000) is required for licensed users.
Creating a webinar template
A webinar template is created by configuring and saving a webinar with the settings you need, then saving that webinar as a template. How do I create a webinar template?
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Select Webinars.
- Select Schedule a Webinar.
- Select any settings you wish to apply to the template.
- Schedule For:
- You will be able to select the user you want to schedule for from the drop down menu if you have scheduling privilege for another user. In addition to being a licensed user, they will also need a webinar add-on license. Click here for more information about scheduling privileges.
- Topic:
- Choose a topic/name for your webinar.
- Description:
- There is an option to add a description to your webinar registration page, which will be displayed on the registration page.
- When:
- You will need to select a date and time for your webinar.
- Duration:
- Decide how long you would like your webinar to last. There is no need to extend the duration of the webinar, as it will not end after this length of time. This is only for scheduling purposes.
- Time Zone:
- If you do not change the time zone on your profile, Zoom will automatically use the time zone you set. Choosing a different time zone can be done by clicking on the drop down menu.
- Recurring webinar:
- Activate recurring webinars so that the meeting ID remains the same for each session. The following options will be available:
- Recurrence:
- It is possible to schedule a webinar to recur daily, weekly, monthly, or at no fixed time. There may be up to 50 different sessions in a recurring webinar. The No Fixed Time option can be used if you need more than 50 recurrences, but registration cannot be used with No Fixed Time.
- Based on how frequently the meeting recurs, there are other recurrence options. Depending on your configuration, you can have the recurring webinar end after a set number of occurrences or on a set date. Find out how to schedule recurring webinars.
- List this Webinar in the Public Event List:
- Include this webinar in the Public Event List if you have this option enabled.
- Registration:
- If enabled, registration will be required.
- Webinar Passcode:
- If your webinar requires participants to enter a passcode, check this box and edit the required passcode here. Participants will be required to enter this passcode before joining your webinar if they are joining manually. We will include this information in the confirmation email for the registration, so if they join by clicking the link in the confirmation email, they will not be required to enter the passcode.
- Video:
- During the webinar, you can choose whether video is enabled or not.
- Host:
- Choose if you would like the host‘s video on or off when joining the webinar. It should be noted that the host will still be able to start the video even if you choose off.
- Panelist:
- During the webinar, you can choose whether you would like the participants’ videos to be on or off. In the case of off, panelists will not be able to turn their video on, unless you allow them to do so during the webinar.
- Audio Options:
- You can enable users to call in only via telephone, only using computer audio, both using computer audio and telephone, or using 3rd Party Audio (if it is enabled for your account).
Note: - In order to display telephone options for attendees, your admin must turn on the account-level setting Allow webinar attendees to dial in through above numbers.
- Webinar Options:
- More webinar options.
- Q&A:
- You can use a question and answer panel if you want to. Learn more.
- Enable Practice Session:
- You can start the webinar in a practice session instead of a live broadcast by checking this box. Find out more about practice sessions.
- Enable HD video for screen shared video
- Enable HD video for attendees
- Require authentication to join:
- Limit access to the webinar so that only registered users can attend.
Note: - You can’t sign in to Zoom with any domains on the domain block list if you select Sign in to Zoom with specified domain.
- Add watermark that identifies the viewing participant
- Request permission to unmute panelists:
- Panelists may choose to have their unmuting consent pre-approved by the host.
- Make the webinar on-demand:
- A link will be shared with all registrants to access the webinar recording in the cloud.
- Record the webinar automatically:
- If you check this box, the webinar will be recorded automatically. You can choose whether you would like to record the webinar locally (which requires the host to join the meeting via a desktop computer) or in the Zoom cloud.
- Enable additional data center regions for this webinar:
- Provides the host with the option of designating other data centers that attendees can connect to for this webinar. When attendees will be joining from a different region than the host, this can make it easier for them to connect to a more local data center, allowing for better connections to the event.
- Approve or deny entry to users from certain regions and countries:
- The host has the option to either allow participants only from specific counties/regions to join, or block all participants from specific counties/regions from joining.
- Alternative Hosts:
- Allow another licensed Zoom user on your account to start the webinar in your absence by entering their email address. See alternative host for more information.
- Enable language interpretation:
- Check to make sure that the host can designate participants as interpreters on the web portal or during a Zoom meeting.
- Go to Schedule and click the button.
- If you scroll down to the bottom, you will find tabs for Invitations, Email Settings, Branding, Polls, and Integration.
Polls, and Integration.” width=”635″ height=”214″ />
- You can edit and save any settings that you would like applied to your template.
- The Save as a Template option is next to the Start this Webinar and Edit options.
- Once you have decided on a template name, click Save as Template to save it.
Scheduling a webinar from a template
It is possible to schedule a new webinar that includes all of the settings from the template after you have created one or multiple webinar templates. A webinar created from a template will not include the specific date. The following steps will help you schedule a webinar from an existing template:
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Select Webinars from the drop-down menu.
- Then click Schedule a Webinar.
- Then click the option to use a template that you have previously saved.
- Both the basic and advanced settings will be copied into the newly created webinar from the template.
- You will need to update the webinar name and description (if necessary), and you will want to update the date/time information or the recurring information, if this has been saved in the template.
- Click on Save Webinar after you have changed any other settings.
Managing templates
You can view or delete one or more webinar templates from the Webinar Templates tab. You can save up to twenty different webinar templates.
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Then click on Webinars.
- You will see a tab that says Webinar Templates.
- On this page, you will find a list of all of the saved webinar templates you have, you can delete a webinar template, or you can begin scheduling a webinar with a specific webinar template.
In addition, you can also modify a template that you have saved as your needs and experience evolve over time. You can edit the template by:
- You will be able to edit the template by clicking the name of the template.
- You will then be given the option to edit the template.
- This will allow you to adjust the available options that are stored in the template.
- Click the Save button.