What are Moderated Groups, and how do I use them in Skype?
The Moderated Groups feature can be very helpful when you want more control over the members of a group, for example, during presentations in person or online, where you would like to control the members of the group more closely. By using the Moderated Groups feature, you can modify member roles, ban users from specific chats, and sometimes even completely ban them from all aspects of the site, such as chats and discussion forums.
How do I create a Moderated Group?
- Select New Chat from the Chat menu.
- Choose the New Moderated Chat or New Moderated Group option from the dropdown menu.
- When you have finished naming the group, click the Next arrow to move on to the next step.
- The first step in adding contacts to a group is to select the contacts that you would like to add to the group. Also, you can use the search bar on the top of the screen to find contacts that you know.
- As soon as you are done adding contacts, you will have the option to create a group by selecting Done. In your chat window, you will see that your new Moderated Group has been created.Note: The /golive chat command is only available to Admins in Moderated Groups, so only those users with the administrator role may initiate calls.
What can I do in a Moderated Group?
The default aspect of creating a group is to make yourself the Moderator/Admin, and the people you add to this group are the Members/Users, who are only allowed to join this group by invitation. You can use the available chat commands in Skype to accomplish many things, such as promoting Users to Admins (which gives them the ability to start calls), removing someone from the group, and many other actions, such as promoting Users to Admins.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between group chat and moderated chat in Skype?
How do I manage Skype Groups?
How do I delete a moderated group on Skype?
How do I find out who the admin is on a Skype group?
How do I find my Skype groups?
- You will need to open Skype in order to use it.
- Just above the “Conversations” tab, and just to the right of the drop-down menu beside it, you will find the search field in the left half of the screen.
- This field will automatically fill in any part of the group’s name that you enter in this box, so it can be as specific as you like.
- Below the search box, you can find a box that contains the remaining items that can be found.
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