What chat commands are available in Skype?
Within your Skype chat, you can perform an array of different actions using chat commands in order to accomplish a variety of different tasks. The /help command can be used to find out what commands are available in the chat room. You will be able to see only the relevant chat options in a chat window if you are in a chat with one other person. A more comprehensive list of available chat commands can be found by typing /help in a chat room where you are chatting with two or more people. Here is a complete explanation of how each part of the chat function in Skype works, along with a list of all the current chat commands available in the program.
Command | Description |
/me [text] | In addition to your name, any text that you write will appear immediately after your name. As an example, if you type /me working from home in the chat window, the phrase “working from home” will appear next to your name in the chat window. The purpose of this is to let your friends and family know what you are up to or what your status is. |
/poll [title], [option1], [option2], [option3] | Send your chat members a poll question that they can answer. There should be a comma after your question, followed by the options separated by commas. |
/leave | Leave your current group chat. |
/showmembers | is a command that shows a list of all the chat members along with their role. |
/setrole [Skype Name] [Admin/User] | In the chat window, each member of the chat can be assigned a role by changing its settings. An administrator is the person who is responsible for controlling Skype chats, as well as adding or removing participants, customizing settings for the chats, and promoting people to be administrators. A User is a member of the chat room and can participate in a call if they are a member of the chat room. In a moderated chat, there are some participants who are admins by default, but the rest are normal participants. Note: Only the chat creator in a moderated group has the option of setting the chat roles. |
/golive | is a command that initiates a group call between all members of the chat. Note: IIf you are a part of a moderated group, the only person who has the ability to /golive is the chat creator |
/clearmru | A command such as this will allow you to remove items that have been recently used from your personal expression list. |
/version | This command displays a list of what version of Skype you are currently on. |
/addreaction [Emoticon name] | The message reaction picker now includes a reaction that can be selected. Adding a like emoticon to your reaction is as simple as using the command /addreaction like. The message reaction picker can also be customized according to your preferences. |
/addreactions [Emoticon name] | The message reaction picker can now be used to add reactions to messages. |
/removereaction [Emoticon name] | In the message reaction picker, the reaction is removed from the list when this button is pressed. |
/removereactions [Emoticon name] | The reaction picker for a message can be removed by clicking the ‘Remove reaction’ button. |
/resetreactions | This command resets all reactions to their default. |
/language [ll-CC|ll|reset] | Change language. |
/openinext [on|off] | This allows you to enable the opening of external links in a different web browser. |
/formatting [on|off|reset|resetall] | The way you style your outgoing messages, including emoticons and special formatting (per chat). |
/addcallreaction [emoticon name string] | This command adds an emoticon to the call reactions. |
/addcallreactions [emoticon name string] | This command adds call reactions. |
/printcallreactions (optional) position | The command shows a list of all available call reactions. |
/removecallreactions[emoticon1], [emoticon2], … | It removes the call reaction from the call. |
/removecallreactionsat (reaction positions, use /printcallreactions for more info) | This action removes the call reaction at the specified position. |
/resetcallreactions | The call reactions are reset to the default. |
/showbrowserinfo | – Displays information about the browser that is being used. |
Moderated group admin command | Description |
/kick [Skype Name] | Eject chat member. |
/kickban [Skype Name] | In order to prevent members from joining a moderated chat again, eject them from the chat. There is a permanent ban on the user. |
/getbanlist | allows the user to see a list of everyone who has been banned from the moderated chat. |
/setbanlist [(+)|-] [Skype Name] | You can use this command to choose which of the members you would like to restrict from participate in the moderated chat. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is moderated chat in Skype?
How do I use smart messaging on Skype?
- As a result of the. On the Chats tab, click on the name of the person or group that you wish to communicate with.
- Enter your message into the chat window and press the button that appears when you have finished typing. Press the Send button to send your message. The option to jump to your most recent message can be found whenever you are within a chat, by selecting the option at the bottom of the screen. The down chevron button is located in the lower part of the screen. Skype for Android 4.0.4 – 5.1 does not support the use of this feature.
Where is the new chat button in Skype?
- In the left side of the window, there is a button that says “New Chat”. Click this button to start a new chat. You will be able to start a new chat by selecting “New Chat.”…
- From the drop-down list, select the option labeled “New Group Chat” in order to start a new group chat. To start a new discussion in the group chat, you will need to click the “New Group Chat” button.
- This is a mandatory step, in order for your group to be formed, you must give it a name. As well as uploading or taking a picture for your group, you have the option of uploading or taking your own photo as well.
How do I use Setrole command on Skype?
- You can also change a member’s role to an admin when using /setrole ‘username> Master’. It is the same command that is used in both cases.
- You will need to use the /setrole /name> Member command in order to change the role of a chat admin.