Why Doesn’t My Site Appear in the CCA-SP Portal?- Webex
Why isn’t my Website displayed on the CCA-SP Portal?
The CCA-SP Portal does not display my website in its directory.
In the event that your website is absent from the CCA Portal:
The Portal finds out about websites based on whether or not they are included in the subscription. Partners are encouraged to get in touch with their respective Partner Success Managers (PSMs) in order to confirm whether or not the Site URL has been included in the CCA-SP Ports Subscription (aggregated) as per the applicable contract.
Verify that the process to add the site to the appropriate CCA-SP Ports subscription has been finished in the event that it has not yet been aggregated. Send a Site Config form to your PSM if it is not yet finished being filled out.
See the following for more in-depth instructions on how to add a site to a CCA-SP membership as well as the appropriate form to download in order to complete the process: