Schedule a Cisco Webex Training Session on Behalf of Another Host
You can schedule training sessions on behalf of another host if you have a Webex host account. You will be able to do this from the Webex site if you are a host. The schedule can be created by someone who manages another person’s calendar, or the host of the training can schedule the training if they are not able to do so on their own.
The person who is requesting that training be scheduled on their behalf must have given the host permission to schedule the training session on their behalf before the training can be scheduled.
The Edit Session page allows you to edit the details of the training session you have scheduled for another host as well as the host you scheduled it for.
- Log in to the Webex site that you are using.
- Select Classic View if you are currently in Modern View.
- Choose Webex Training > Schedule a session > You can now host a session using Webex Training.
- It is necessary to select the appropriate host’s name in the Schedule for drop-down list under Session and Access Information, before you can schedule the session for that particular host.
- Complete the Training Session Schedule page to the best of your ability.
- After you have completed setting up training sessions on the Schedule Training Sessions or Edit Scheduled Training Sessions pages, you can either select Schedule or Update based on the selections you made.