How to Customize your meeting view in Microsoft Teams
The Teams meeting has been redesigned in such a way that it emphasizes shared content, as well as placing the emphasis on active speakers, making them the focus of the meeting. The smartness behind Teams is that when you enter a Teams meeting, it anticipates what you’ll be looking for and automatically resizes the thumbnails of participants and content to match what you’re seeing.
In Teams, the layout is optimized for large content in the most efficient way possible, while at the same time showing a bigger number of video participants when a user is sharing content such as a presentation or other type of content.
As soon as you select the Together Mode in Teams, you will be able to see the faces of others while simultaneously viewing the shared content that everyone has contributed.
In your meeting you will notice that there are some items that are not displayed by default. However, you can customize them. You can change a number of things in this section, some of which are listed below.
Pin a video
Using the right click menu on a video and selecting Pin, you can focus your attention on that specific video. There will always be a pinned icon at the top of your view regardless of who is speaking in the video. In order to pin videos, you must make sure that your screen has enough space to accommodate them. The video can be unpinned by simply right-clicking it once again and selecting ‘Unpin’ if you have decided to change your mind. The decision to change your mind can be made at any time.
Spotlight someone
When you need to focus on a specific person in the meeting, you can highlight their name in order to make them more visible to everyone else so they are more apparent in the meeting. The following are a few ways in which this can be achieved, and it can be done in several different ways:
- The right-click menu can be accessed by clicking on the video thumbnail that is associated with a person in the video list and then choosing Spotlight from the list that appears.
- In addition to this, there is also an option which you can use from the Meeting controls that will show a list of each of the attendees in the meeting, if you wish to see a list of everyone in the meeting. Click on the name of the person whose video you want to highlight in the list of videos you would like to highlight, and then you will see a pop-up menu appear where you can select Spotlight from it once you have selected the videos that you want to highlight.
Whenever you are ready to end the spotlighting of that person, right-click on the video of that person and choose Stop spotlighting from the menu that appears.
Dock people to the top of the meeting view
If you wish to maintain better eye contact with others during content sharing in a meeting, choose to arrange your participants to the top of the screen.
You will be able to see the More options Gallery at the top of the meeting control panel when you are in the meeting.
See more participants
A large gallery view will be available when ten or more people turn on their cameras at the same time. You will be able to see all the participants in a gallery of pages when there are more than 49 participants who join a Teams meeting. There will be navigation controls at the bottom of the gallery if there are more than 49 participants when viewing the large gallery, which will be visible when there are more than 49 participants in the gallery. when viewing the large gallery. You can view more video participants through these navigation controls by using these controls.
Swap content with gallery
A meeting with gallery view will display the shared content by default in the middle of the meeting view according to your preference, while videos will appear on either the left or right side of the meeting view based on your preference after someone shares content during a meeting with gallery view. To swap out the content being shared with a gallery or a gallery of participants, you select the participant’s videos in gallery view. It is possible with this action to bring videos of participants’ presentations to the center of the meeting view and also share other content such as presentations or desktops to the side or the top of the meeting view as a result of this action.
When you select shared content with the intent of swapping it back in to the center of your meeting view, it is possible to swap it back in to the center of the meeting view after choosing it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you change the view in Teams meeting?
- During a video call, you will be able to choose from two different views by clicking on More actions on your mobile device, which will allow you to choose which view you would like to view. Select either Change layout or Meeting views from the Meeting views menu by clicking on the Meeting views menu item. …
- The drop-down menu on the right will allow you to select the Gallery option. …
- It is possible to change the view during a video call at any point during the call if you want to switch from one view to another during the call.
How do I customize my team meeting?
- It is possible to reach the Teams admin center by clicking on the link provided at the top of the Team admin center page.
- Navigate to Meetings > Meeting settings on the left navigation menu of the page.
- If you want to send an email invitation, simply follow these steps: …
- You can preview your meeting invitation by clicking the Preview Invite button.
- Once you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes.
- The changes will be propagated after an hour or so, so please wait for that time to pass.
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